ASSIGNMENT >> 8. Read “Writing Program Targets.”


A few data must be kept in mind when writing targets for a program. Applying these will assist one to get his programs done and bring his plans to actuality.

When writing program targets, the first one must always be a production target. But you can’t in actual fact, write a pure production target. It would be impossible to write such a target because somebody would have to do it and the moment that you have somebody there to do it, you have organization. So there is a certain amount of organization that comes into it.

For example, in handling a department responsible for collecting the organization’s income, one would have to include in it, as its second target, beefing up the department. The first target would be for the department to do anything it could to handle its collections. And the second target would be to beef up that department forthwith. Otherwise, the production would not continue.

So there has to be immediate organization for production.

Terminable Targets

Now, how do you like a target like this: “Maintain friendly relations with the environment.” How do you like that target? It is utterly, completely not a target that gets the person to carry out an action. It isn’t a target at all! 

Now, if it said, “Call on so and so, and so and so, and make them aware of your presence...” and so forth, it could have a DONE on it.

Targets should be terminable—doable, finishable, completable. This will contribute to the success of one’s programs.

Sample Programs

Having learned the types of targets and how to write them, one can then formulate programs.

On the following pages you will find two sample programs. They clearly show the interrelationship and sequence of the different target types which make up a standard program. Each sample has a specific purpose: with the first, one learns how to do a program; with the second, one learns about production. One can do these two programs, target by target, and understand the orderliness and workability of programs and above all, what the types of targets are and how they work together.

By doing these programs, you will then be able to write and carry out your own programs and that will set you firmly on the road to accomplishing your goals and purposes.

Sample Program #1
Purpose: To learn to do a program.
Major Target: To get it done.
Primary Target:
1. Read this program.
Vital Targets:
1. Be honest about doing this.
2. Do all of it.
3. Check off each one when done.
Operating Targets:
1. Take off your right shoe. Look at the sole. Note what’s on it. Put it back on.
2. Go get a drink of water.
3. Take a sheet of paper. Draw three concentric circles on it. Turn it over face down. Write your name on the back. Tear it up and put the scraps in a book.
4. Take off your left shoe. Look at the sole. Note what is on it. Put it back on.
5. Go find someone and say hello. Return and write a message to yourself as to how they received it.
6. Take off both shoes and bang the heels together three times and put them back on.
7. Write a list of projects in your life you have left incomplete or not done.
8. Write why this was.
9. Check this program carefully to make sure you have honestly done it all.
10. List your realizations, if any, while doing this program.
11. Decide whether you have honestly done this program.

Sample Program #2
Purpose: To learn about production.
Major Target: To actually produce something.
Primary Target:
1. Get a pencil and five sheets of paper.
2. Situate yourself so you can do this program.
Vital Targets:
1. Read an operating target and be sure to do it all before going on.
2. Actually produce what’s called for.
Operating Targets:
1. Look very busy without actually doing anything.
2. Do it again but this time be very convincing.
3. Work out the product of your job or activity. Get help from another person as needed.
4. Straighten up the papers on your desk.
5. Take sheet 1 as per primary targets above. Write whether or not No. 4 was production.
6. Find a paper or message that doesn’t contribute in any way to your getting out your own product.
7. Answer it.
8. Take the second sheet called for in the primary target. Write on it why the action in 7 is perfectly reasonable.
9. Take the third sheet of paper and draw out how you receive communication on your job.
10. Get out one correct product for your job, complete, of high quality.
11. Deliver it.
12. Review the operating targets and see which one made you feel best.
13. Take the fourth sheet of paper and write down whether or not production is the basis of morale.
14. Take the fifth sheet of paper, use it for a cover sheet and write a summary of the program.
15. Realize you have completed a program.

add strength, numbers, force, etc., to; strengthen.

immediately; at once; without delay.